‘Catching the Coal – A Strand Sketch’ from the Ex-Service Man, 1919
Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives (Ref: Hamilton 11/1/5), 1 May 1919, article entitled ‘Catching the Coal – A Strand Sketch’ from The Ex-Service Man, conveying a conversation between a shoe shiner and his customer on the Strand.
Read MoreA Great Week for Sheila, 1948
Article titled ‘Tomorrow’s Graduate’ from issue of ‘The Illustrated’ women’s magazine King’s College London Archives (Ref: K/PBN/1/4), 26 June 1948, article titled ‘Tomorrow’s Graduate’ by I. Robertson which relates to women students at King’s College London and in particular, a day in the life of King’s College London student, Sheila Harris. Click on the image…
Read MoreParish Office, St Martin-in-the-Fields
A memory of the Strand
This story was kindly contributed by Pattiyan. I have used CX station for years, right from my early working days c.1942. I remember going to lunch at the Strand Palace, Lyons corner house, and eating in the Salad Bar with a boy friend when I was sixteen. The boy I knew was waiting for his…
Read MoreSir Joseph Bazalgette
[missing video] Work is still going on, long after Bazalgette
Read MoreSoundscapes on the Strand
My room in King’s College faces out on to the quad and throughout the day today I kept hearing a single shout , that sounded like ‘coaaal…’ coming from the building works on the east wing of Somerset House and repeated every few seconds. From ground level it was inaudible but from the fourth floor…
Read MoreKnitting Under Blackfriars Bridge/Making a Knitted Nativity Scene for a Lawyer at Temple
‘Charlie’ leads Sockmob walking tours around London. I have written about these tours for the Strandlines blog. ‘Charlie’ used to be homeless, and slept around the Strand, Covent Garden, Waterloo and Blackfriars Bridge. She describes here how she knitted and sold toys as an alternative to begging. [missing audio]
Read MoreLines away from the Strand
In 1982, when I was seventeen, I was called to interview at King’s College. I didn’t go there for my English degree in the end, but the trip to London that day was one of many I made as a teenager, often alone. I was obsessed with art and the theatre, with the culture of…
Read MoreLower Fees for Degrees!
Sockmob Walking Tour
On Wednesday last week I was given a new perspective on the Strand area. Certainly I had walked its lines before: I had been to Temple tube station, the arches under the Adelphi, Embankment Park, the Cole Hole, and Lincoln’s Inn Fields. Yet, I shall now look these familiar places and spaces differently: they have…
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