LGBTQ+ History Month February 2021: do you have a story to share?
Posted in 19th Century, 20th Century, 21st Century, contemporary, Diary, Editorial blog posts, entertainment, Family, future, Green, hotels, houses, Literature, Memory, Musical, parks, people, Places, Public art, pubs, restaurants, Retail, Strandlines, universities, workers and tagged with every day life, History, LGBTQ London, LGBTQ+, London history, London memories, memories, parties, protest, queer histories, queer London, queer stories, Stories, Work

Hopefully, if you are reading this, you’ll know that Strandlines is a site dedicated to stories about and from the Strand area: from Trafalgar Square to where the Strand meets Fleet Street; Temple, Embankment and Charing Cross; and into the southern edge of Covent Garden.
The editorial team are seeking stories, memories, art, short research pieces, creative writing, or contributions in any other visual or textual medium that speak about queer experience in the area.
We accept original pieces as well as ‘reposts’ or extracts from previously published personal blogs or other on- or offline venues (provided you have permission from your publisher if applicable!).
What you might choose to write about or visually depict is totally up to you, as long as a Strand location features somehow!
Experiences from last week, last year, 10 years ago, 50 years ago (you see where we are going with this!) and research about earlier histories are all welcome.
Stories about protest and politics are encouraged, and just as important are stories of joy and love, and simple, every day moments that – for whatever reason – linger in your memory.
You can contribute anonymously, with a pen name, or your name.
There is no minimum word limit or minimum image limit. We welcome single images with a caption of 1-100 words, micro/flash fiction, poetry, or diary-type entries. A maximum of 1000 words, 5 images, or 10 minutes of video/ audio is preferred, but we can be flexible.
Of course, Strandlines welcomes stories with a focus on queer experiences or histories all year round! However, LGBTQ+ History Month provides us with an opportunity to join a national celebration and time to reflect.
Strandlines aims to archive lives on the Strand past, present, and creative. At present, our collection does not reflect the full diversity of life on this busy and ever-changing street. We look forward to exploring your contributions!
Send your contributions to assistant editor Fran Allfrey, [email protected]. The deadline for LGBTQ+ History Month is the 20th February 2021, however, you can always submit after the deadline for publication throughout the year.
[…] February is LGBTQ+ History Month in the UK! Strandlines invites contributions from all Strand-dwellers, visitors, and dreamers all year round, however, we launched a call this year for contributions to mark the History Month. […]
[…] February is LGBTQ+ History Month in the UK! Strandlines invites contributions from all Strand-dwellers, visitors, and dreamers all year round, however, we launched a call this year for contributions to mark the History Month. […]
[…] February is LGBTQ+ History Month in the UK! Strandlines invites contributions from past and present Strand-dwellers, visitors, and dreamers all year round, however, we launched a call this year for contributions to mark the History Month. […]