The Angry Pacifist
Posted in contemporary and tagged with diplomats, poets, politicians, war, wartime

Originally submitted by Papa T
I came on this march as a member of the Wandsworth Stop the war coalition.
I am angry about the way the war in Iraq was instigated.
The lies about weapons of mass destruction, how the politicians stated they existed and posed a real threat to National security.
I am angry about the soldiers who have died in a war that could have been avoided.
I am angry about the way American businessmen in particular,
have been able to profit from the onset
and those cats are still getting fatter.
I am angry about the deceitful rhetoric coming from the mouths of Blair and Bush.
Most of all I am angry about the way that most people just accept the situation and do nothing to demonstrate that they are against this war.
This is why I am marching and protesting today.
As a pacifist I will continue to protest and let people know how I feel about war.